Sacred Birch Syrup - from crystal clear to golden amber

It was spring equinox last week and these days I have been busy collecting the precious sap from birch trees to make birch syrup... which is the Scandinavian variant of the Canadian maple syrup - same process, however different taste and different qualities.

Making birch syrup requires a lot of patience both when collecting it (10 liters from 3 birches in 24 hours in my case) and when boiling it which will take several hours. It asks you to follow the nature rhythm and flow and to slow down to her pace. When the boiling process start, to witness the crystal clear sap slowly turning into golden amber syrup is magical. It leaves you with a truly deep feeling of thankfulness and of being a part of the birch energy.

It is a process done with a lot of love and respect for the trees life energy. If anyone should want to start doing the same, I would definitely recommend reading yourself up on the subject and preferably, if possible, learning from someone with good experience. This blog is mostly written for inspirational purpose rather than purely educative...

Today I closed the holes in the trees with pluggs made from fresh birch branches after collecting the last 30 liters which will give about 4 dl syrup in the end (which is a lot less than if you would do the same with maple trees).

I sang to every birch that has given a little part of their life force as my way to say thank you! Nature is full of gifts for anyone willing to live in symbiose with her, listen to her and remember her secrets...


filling a 5 liter glass ballon in 24 hours... it takes patience and it takes you into the rhythm of nature...

Pluggs to close the holes in the trees made of freshly cut birch branches.

Very close to being ready and put into bottles

The birch sap is cooking on a wood oven in many, many hours. Birch is used as firewood.

Sweet drops of birch syrup on pancakes - delightful! <3

Spring equinoxe and full moon over the birch forest